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Established Energy Players Aren’t Interested In Consumers

It seems that the rate of change in the energy sector is taking people by surprise. Given the falling costs of technology and availability of new renewable technologies, so much is being achieved in pushing the boundaries of this industry. We discuss what the organisational implications for business leaders and investors are.

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The Content Arms Race – The Battle For Our Attention

The role of social media in today’s society combined with significant increases in the quantity, quality and the availability of content is having a marked effect on the dynamic between parent brands and the personal brands of the stars they employ. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the sports and media industry, and to discuss this topic, Savannah Group recently hosted a private dinner for senior executives in the sector.The topics of discussion focused on the role of content for these organisations; how they are looking to monetise their content and the carefully balanced dynamic between the commercial arm of the business and the talent they have within them.

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Blurred Lines – How Broadcasters are ‘Cohabiting’ With Digital Businesses

On the eve of Euro 2016, I asked the question in an article, as to whether broadcasters viewed social media as a ‘friend’ or ‘foe’. Two years on and the debate still rages. Although I would argue that the terminology needs updating and simplifying, replacing ‘social media businesses’ for ‘digital businesses’. What hasn’t become simpler is the somewhat awkward or evolving co-existence broadcasters and digital businesses share. On the one hand they are in open competition bidding against each other for sports rights, which in some cases has resulted in rights holders opting to move away from traditional linear deals and create partnerships with digital businesses.

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How Is Digital Impacting The Media, Sport & Entertainment Industry?

Savannah Group recently hosted its inaugural Media, Sports and Entertainment dinner for a selection of prominent senior executives, hosted by Tony Simpson. The focus of the dinner was a discussion around how an ever more digital future will impact businesses of all shapes and sizes within the Media, Sport and Entertainment industry.

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How Yum! Foods Built Their Brands In Emerging Markets

At a recent Leisure & Hospitality Breakfast series hosted at Claridges Hotel, Niren Chaudhary presented to a senior audience on “How to build brands in emerging economies” – a fascinating presentation based on a hugely successful turnaround and growth story when Niren was President of India for Yum! Foods. The presentation received outstanding feedback from the Chairmen, CEOs, COOs/ MDs, HR Directors and CMOs in the audience, so I wanted to share the essence of that presentation here.

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Leisure, Hospitality & Travel Boardroom Insight Q4, 2016

We recently hosted our latest boardroom lunch at our London Office for Chairmen, NEDs, CEOs and Investors from the Leisure, Hospitality & Travel sector. Guests included board members from Casual Dining Group, Priceline Group, Greggs, British Hospitality Association, SSP Group Plc, Vital Ingredient, The Restaurant Group, TUI, Disneyland Resort Paris and Barburrito.

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Insight from our Leisure & Travel Boardroom Lunch- April 2016

In a week when Goldman Sachs reported a 60% drop in first quarter profits, continued media reports of low consumer confidence and uncertainty created through Brexit and a looming American election, we were intrigued to see whether the optimism built up in 2015 was alive and kicking or slowly dissipating. How optimistic were the CEO’s and Chairmen across the Leisure, Travel & Hospitality sector for the second half of 2016 and beyond?

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